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Netflix与Most Valuable Promotions(MVP) 联袂献上一场重量级拳击盛宴,由人称“问题小子”的杰克·“雄鸡”·保罗(9胜1负,6次击倒)迎战被誉为“地球上最凶悍之人”的迈克·泰森(50胜6负,44次击倒)。这场万众瞩目的杰克·保罗与迈克·泰森之战将于2024年11月15日周五通过Netflix平台面向全球独家直播,比赛地点设在美国得克萨斯州阿灵顿的AT&T体育场 — 这座可容纳8万名观众的体育场馆是NFL达拉斯牛仔队的主场。与此同时,Matchroom旗下无可争议的超轻量级世界冠军凯蒂·泰勒(23胜1负,6次击倒)将在10个两分钟的回合中捍卫她无可争议的冠军头衔,与拳坛先锋、统一羽量级世界冠军阿曼达·“名副其实”·塞拉诺(46胜2平1负,30次击倒)展开一场女子拳击史上最令人引颈期盼的复赛对决。
In the special, Tomlinson talks about having your dream job, finding your perfect partner, dealing with anxiety and insomnia all while asking the age-old question…can you really Have It All?
Serge Mirzabekiantz
Nikolaï was abandoned at birth and has been in foster care ever since. Although a family would like to give the sixteen-year-old boy a home, he decides to make one himself. He meets Camille, an intriguing fifteen-year-old wiseacre, and tries to convince her to make a child together. Nikolaï is convinced that he can handle any problem and wants to avoid at all costs that an adult thwarts his plans. Camille and Nikolaï flee together from the home and isolate themselves in the woods. In the heart of this gloomy, mysterious forest, Nikolaï will have to face his first feelings and learn to become a man. Soon, he feels that there are many things he cannot control.
With the full participation and cooperation of the Henson family, this film will present a fascinating and intimate look at Jim’s illustrious career creating treasured characters and revolutionizing television and film. With never-before-seen personal archives, the film will give audiences an exciting first-person view into the life of one of the world’s most inspiring and iconoclastic creators through exclusive home movies, photographs, sketches and Henson’s personal diaries.
Piglets, mushrooms and more mishaps... Jeremy Clarkson faces some difficult challenges in his farm this season. Will he and Kaleb come up with urgent, yet interesting plans to turn it around? Watch Part 1 on the 3rd of May and Part 2 on the 10th of May on Prime Video.
在传说中,人鱼的肉是众人趋之若鹜的珍贵药材,凡是食用它的人,即可获得永生不死的荣耀。在一次偶然中,渔夫涌太(山寺宏一 配音)和伙伴们捕获了一奇怪的肉块,鬼使神差中,三人分食了此物,不久之后,其中的两人暴毙,而不知是幸运还是不幸,从这天起,幸存下来的涌太成为了不死之人。经过了几百年是世事变迁,涌太终于无法忍受独活的孤独和寂寞,他决定走遍世界各地,发誓要找到解除永生诅咒的方法。 在世界的某处,被村人监禁的名叫真鱼(高山南 配音)的女子在姥姥的哄骗下吃下了人鱼的肉。涌太和真鱼,当两人相遇时,命运之轮开始转动,两个背负着永生罪孽的人,踏上了充满危险和死亡的逃亡道路。
Michael Harte
Britain’s most notorious serial killer, Dennis Nilsen, confessed to killing 15 people in 1983. Over a five-year period, he picked up vulnerable young men, lured them back to his home and strangled them, before disposing of their bodies under the floorboards. The truth about how and why he killed has been the subject of much speculation in books and documentaries over the decades since. Now, with unique access to a wealth of personal archive left in his cell after his death, including over 250 hours of never-before-published cassette tapes of his private recordings, this film will take us into Nilsen’s world. From a young boy growing up in a quiet Scottish fishing village to a cold-blooded murderer prowling the streets of London. Set against the backdrop of 1980s Britain, when mass unemployment drew young men to London in search of their fortunes, only to find themselves destitute and easy prey, and weaving together interviews from police, journalists, survivors, bereaved families, and - for the first time - the killer’s own voice, this feature length documentary explores how Nilsen was able to get away with multiple murders and attacks, unchallenged, for five years.
日本怪片特别多, 但古怪程度能跟这部 “Funky Forest: the First Contact” 匹敌的实在没有多少~ 面对这样荒诞离奇的电影, 真不知应该从何说起, “逻辑” 在这里几乎不存在, 种种荒诞至极的情节保证吓你一跳~ 电影像是一连串短片大串烧, 每段开始时均加会上字幕标题, 间中又像日本电视广告般在画面一角显示 logo~ 但各个故事的人物又有一定关联性, 故事之间甚至有前因后果可以追寻。 电影像黑胶唱片般分成 A side 和 B side 两部分, 全长达两个半小时, 中间还认真地加插了令观众不知所措的3分钟休憩时间~ 在 A side 一幕, 英语教师 Takefumi (加濑亮 饰) 在家中翻弄黑胶唱片打碟, 充当 DJ 把两首歌曲自然地 mix 在一起~ 事实上, 这电影就像一回超长的 DJ session, 三位怪鸡导演 (兼编剧) 运用影像大玩 mixing, 把几个看似风马牛不相及的人物和情节接驳重叠, 连结为一, 转出一部刻意断裂, 刻意荒谬的古怪电影。 谈到断裂, “Funky Forest: the First Contact” 在主流影坛实在难逢敌手~ 片中各个故事大都无头无尾, 不是出现 “终” 字也不知已完结~ 导演们运用了极多的跳接, 营造不和谐的感觉, 那些打出 “ナイスの森” logo 的 (广告?) 片段甚至只得几秒… 这些处理手法合力把电影的突兀感推向不可理喻的极端。 原来不止人物和故事情节可以玩 mixing, 就连电影类型也可以~ 片中揉合了多种类型片的元素, 计有日式荒诞娱乐节目, 广告片, 家庭伦理剧, 歌舞片, 爱情片, sexploitation, 动画, 漫画, 核突科幻片, 特摄片, 青春校园剧等等, 加起来变成一只四不像的怪物, 但这相信也正是导演们预期中的效果。 真不明白三位导演怎能想出如此光怪陆离的剧本, 好像胜一 (寺岛进 饰) 练习舞蹈, 外星人找学生妹配种, 羽毛球女生苦练球技几幕, 情节完全意想不到~ 另外学级委员长教同学们打招呼一幕, 则像是 “麦兜菠萝油王子” (McDull, Prince de la Bun) [2004] 中麦兜 “诈诈帝学两文三语” 的真人日文翻版~ 更奇怪的是, 在homeroom 学生丛中竟然找到动画大师庵野秀明 (动画版 “Neon Genesis Evangelion” (新世纪福音战士) [1995] 的制作者), 而他在片中亦正饰演一位动画家。 合力编导此片的石井克人, 三木俊一郎, Aniki 三人, 原来都在武藏野美术大学的 visual communication design 学科毕业~ 其中三木俊一郎和 Aniki 都是广告片导演, 只有石井克人拍过 “Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl” (鲨皮男和蜜桃女) [1998] 和 “Party 7″ [2000] 等改编自漫画的电影~ 查实石井克人上一部作品 “the Taste of Tea” (茶之味) [2004] 大大收歛了斑斓浮夸的风格, 甚得各界好评, 想不到他没多久便 “故态复萌”, 还 “变本加厉” 得这样可爱。 “Funky Forest: the First Contact” 是一部看过才知过瘾的电影, 即使再多理性分析也难以交代它的精奇之处~ 正如参加 DJ party 一样, 不用多加深究理论和技巧, 只需全情投入其中享受娱乐便是。
故事发生在一个虚构的城市——埃迪森市中,在那里,执政者和执法者相互勾结,黑恶势力层出不穷,金钱和权利的交易每天都在发生,这些黑暗和腐败犹如一只巨大而厚重的手掌,控制了整个城市和生活在其中的人们。波拉克(贾斯汀·丁伯莱克 Justin Timberlake 饰)是一名尚且保留了赤子之心的记者,精明的他很快就察觉到了发生在这个城市中的种种罪恶,心怀远大理想的他决定将它们一一揭发。 波拉克的举动很快就惹恼了他正在调查的对象们,他们决定灭掉这个不知好歹的小子。在危险之中,波拉克只得求助于自己的老板艾斯佛(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)——一个良心尚存的老记者,在艾斯佛和其好友华勒斯检察官(凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 饰)的帮助下,波拉克正在一步一步的接近真相。