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《福尔摩斯:基本演绎法》由CBS出品,根据《福尔摩斯》系列改编,地点从19世纪大英帝国国势鼎盛的时期搬到了21世纪繁华热闹的美国纽约。 故事里的Sherlock Holmes(约翰尼·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)曾是苏格兰场(伦敦警察厅)的顾问,因毒瘾问题被送到纽约康复中心进行强制戒毒。结束这段不光彩的历史后在布鲁克林安顿下来。他的父亲雇佣了因医疗事故放弃职业的琼恩·华生医生Joan Watson(刘玉玲 Lucy Liu 饰),来防止儿子复发。纽约警署巡官Gregson(艾丹·奎因 Aidan Quinn 饰)曾与Holmes一起工作过,对他的能力印象深刻。当知道Holmes来美国后邀请他担任纽约警署的刑事案件顾问。Watson因见识了他的办案能力对他刮目相看,两人决定合作干一番事业……
美国电影协会百年百部激情电影之一! 这部阵容强大的影片以精心营造的充满激情的气氛取胜,导演约瑟夫·冯·史登堡突出了爱情,因此玛莲·黛德丽在其第一部好莱坞影片首次有意识地运用光影效果作为画面语言,而且实验性的运用了自然音响。获第3届奥斯卡最佳女主角、最佳导演、最佳摄影和最佳艺术指导四项提名,1992年美国国家电影保护局国家影片登记奖! 一个倾倒众生的歌女来到摩洛哥卖艺,遇到玩世不恭的雇佣兵贾利·古柏,她对他落花有意、他却拈花惹草又三心两意,最后她只好委身于曲意求欢的富商。这时传来他在战地受伤、可能殉职的消息,她毅然决然的脱下高跟鞋,走向他的战场……
小拉姆舅舅在田里发现锰矿,可没资金,想老婆把她的首饰拿出抵押.可他老婆死活不肯,非常不支持他.拉姆妈妈知道后,把所有首饰都给了哥哥,连结婚项链都给了.于是,拉姆舅舅把事情发展起来了.可期间,小拉姆父母双亡.拉姆舅舅只好把外甥带回家.然而,拉姆舅妈在得知她丈夫并不认为自己是那些财产的主人,而是替拉姆管理后,经常虐待拉姆,导致拉姆身心极大受伤.于是,在听取医生的建议后,拉姆舅舅把拉姆送到了不丹的一间寺庙. 多年后,深受拉姆舅妈影响的拉姆的表妹茜塔在要得其爸爸的7千万卢比成为残忍无情的老板.不惜强行拆贫民窟推行她的商业计划.然而,她为了强行拆除贫民窟,她是借助了恶霸立法议员的能耐,代价是与恶霸立法议员同居一个月.可是,自认为了不起的茜塔却毁约,于是,恶霸立法议员为了得到她,不惜对她使出各种大招. 就在此时,茜塔得知她爸爸死亡的消息,她开心啊,以为可以得到500亿卢比的财产.可是,她爸爸留给她的就是一条结婚项链,别的财产都给了拉姆.于是,自以为是的茜塔又认为能轻易从拉姆那得到那500亿的财产. 可是.....人算不如天算......
《摩登家庭》正式确定要完结了。 ABC最新宣布这部著名喜剧获续订第11季,也是最后一季,新季“会有更多里程碑式的事件,这部剧的剧迷绝对不想错过”。据称最终季至少将有18集,可能会扩增到22集。 从去年底开始,制作方20世纪福斯电视与主演和主创开始了细致的谈判,据称有些合约讨论是整夜整夜进行,终于在最近保证了成年主演艾德·奥尼尔、朱丽·鲍温、泰·伯瑞尔、杰西·泰勒·弗格森、艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特、索菲亚·维加拉回归,以及签下主创Steve Levitan和Christopher Lloyd再做一季。 该剧获续订也与迪士尼与福克斯交易有关,因为此交易,迪士尼旗下的ABC和20世纪福斯电视马上就是一家了。
Jason Winer
全职家庭主妇克莱尔(朱丽·鲍温 Julie Bowen 饰)与做地产经纪的丈夫菲尔(泰·布利尔 Ty Burrell 饰)养育着两个青春期的女儿和一个十岁大的儿子。克莱尔年过六旬的老父杰(艾德·奥尼尔 Ed O'Neill 饰)新娶了年轻美貌的妻子格劳丽亚(索菲娅·维加拉 Sofía Vergara 饰),加上格劳丽亚和前夫所生的十岁儿子组成了一个新三口之家。克莱尔的弟弟米切尔(杰西·泰勒·弗格森 Jesse Tyler Ferguson 饰)和他的同性爱人卡梅隆(艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特 Eric Stonestreet 饰)则刚从越南领养了一名女婴,兴致勃勃地想要当一对好爸爸。 这三个家庭各有各的烦恼需要面对和解决,彼此之间的频繁往来也产生了一些不愉快。当难题不断摆在他们面前的时候,他们如何化解矛盾、维持家庭的和睦与欢乐气氛呢?
新的一季里,刚过完65岁生日的杰(艾德·奥尼尔 Ed O'Neill 饰)和娇妻格劳丽亚(索菲娅·维加拉 Sofía Vergara 饰)迎来了新生命的孕育。杰烦恼着孩子的性别,他的继子曼尼则暗自为自己可能受到冷落不安。克莱尔(朱丽·鲍温 Julie Bowen 饰)和丈夫菲尔(泰·布利尔 Ty Burrell 饰)依依不舍的将大女儿海莉送入了大学,眼看二女儿艾丽克斯和小儿子卢克也即将长大成人,夫妻俩开始规划数年后的二人世界生活。米切尔(杰西·泰勒·弗格森 Jesse Tyler Ferguson 饰)和同性爱人卡梅隆(艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特 Eric Stonestreet 饰)也将养女莉莉送到了幼儿园,他们买了一只猫陪伴莉莉,一直赋闲在家的卡梅隆也终于得以回到自己钟爱的工作岗位。 温馨大家庭的影像记录故事已经来到了第四季。伴随着三个家庭点滴的成长与变化,相信这部剧集还将走得更远。
音乐大学学生,同时兼职原稿运送员的桥本巧(竹内力 饰)是个热爱机车的追风青年。偶然机会,他结识了前辈泽田秀政(三浦友和 饰)的妹妹冬美(渡边典子 饰),两人共度了浪漫的夜晚。对桥本来说,这只是机车男子必不可少的露水姻缘;而在纯洁的冬美看来,这便是一段美好爱情的开始。 在秀政的责问下,烦恼的桥本独自驾车前往信州旅行,打算好好思考和冬美的关系。但是他在这里却邂逅了开朗外向且喜爱机车的女孩白石美代子(原田貴和子 饰)。回到东京后,桥本结束了与冬美的恋情,与此同时,他与美代子的联系逐渐多了起来。似乎,这预示着另一段恋情的开始…… 本片改编自片冈义男的同名小说。
Nico van den Brink
Betriek lives at the edge of a peat bog in the North of the Netherlands. When she and her family are attacked by a random stranger one night, Betriek sets out to find an explanation. The more she digs, the more she becomes convinced that she is being hunted by something ancient.
李(凯特·玛拉 Kate Mara 饰)是一名出色的企业问题分析解决专家,专门四处奔波,被陷入了困境的大企业出谋划策。某一日,她接受了一个极度机密的任务,被带到了一个无人知晓的神秘研究室,在那里,关着她需要解决的“问题”,然而,让李没有想到的是,这个人人谈之而色变的难题,竟然是一个叫摩根(安雅·泰勒·乔伊 Anya Taylor-Joy 饰)年轻女孩。 摩根虽然看似普通,但实际上却是生物工程学所研究出的杰出作品,她没有父亲,没有母亲,是由单纯的DNA进化而来。摩根拥有着极为敏捷的行动,异常聪慧的头脑,相当惊人的生长速度,这一切让科学家们很快就感受到了强大的威胁。
Shipwreck survivors are found on Beiru Island (Infanto tô), which was previously used for atomic tests. The interior is amazingly free of radiation effects, and they believe that they were protected by a special juice that was given to them by the island's residents. A joint expedition of Rolisican and Japanese scientists explores Beiru and discovers many curious things, including two women only one foot (30 centimeters) high. Unscrupulous expedition leader Clark Nelson abducts the women and puts them in a vaudeville show. But their sweet singing contains a telepathic cry for help to Mothra, a gigantic moth that is worshiped as a deity by the island people. The giant monster heeds the call of the women and heads to Tokyo, wreaking destruction in its path.
Steven Parnell, who was accused of murdering a number young girls the previous summer, is killed while in prison awaiting trial. Morse had not been involved in the case as he was on leave during most of that investigation. What piques Morse's interest is that one of the victims, Karen Anderson, was never found and it is assumed that her body was dumped in a nearby lake but Parnell confessed to his priest on his deathbed that he wasn't responsible for that particular murder. When one of the witnesses in the case, George Daly, is murdered, Morse and Lewis try to find some connection to Anderson's disappearance. They also wonder why Anderson's camera - she was an avid photographer - wasn't found. What they come across is a group of middle-aged men whose hobby is taking so-called glamour photos.
Henry Fallon, who is wheelchair bound and is suffering from a neurological disorder, apparently commits suicide and Morse has mixed feelings working on this case as he was once engaged to the dead man's wife, Susan Fallon. The body was found by his son-in-law Peter Rhodes, a local antiques dealer and the victim's wife was in London. When Fallon's doctor advises Morse that Henry didn't have the physical capability to hold a gun to his head, the police realize they may have a murder on their hands. When the police are told that the business arrangement between Fallon and Rhodes had fallen apart, they also have a suspect. Lewis is concerned that Morse is too close to Mrs. Fallon to be objective but in the end, the perpetrators are identified.
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Charlie Hillian is killed on the night of his retirement party. Hillian was at one time a senior officer in Oxford and was in fact Morse's boss. He was also writing a book about his most memorable cases, including one about the unsolved death of an 8-year-old girl some 18 years ago. The suspect in that case, Frederick Redpath, was at Hillian's house the day he died and that chapter from the manuscript is missing. There are other suspects however, including Hillian's ghost writer who will now receive all of the book's royalties; a handyman who was working on the property; and Redpath's daughter, who knew the little girl who was killed all those years before. Morse comes into conflict with with a colleague DCI Dawson, who was one of Hillian's protégés, as they again look into the little girl's death.
Morse finds himself the subject of a murder investigation when his friend, Beryl Newsome, is murdered at a rehearsal of the Magic Flute and he foolishly touches the murder weapon. Morse is suspended and DCI Bottomley, with DS Lewis assisting him, is put in charge of the case. Morse feels that he was set-up and looks to his past to see who, among the many criminals he arrested, might now be setting about seeking revenge. When someone scratches masonic symbols all over his car and he is reported for erratic driving, Morse wonders if Masons may somehow be involved. When a large number of his personal items are found in Beryl's apartment, Morse is placed under arrest.
The disappearance of Sir Julius Hanbury - and the theft of several of his erotic paintings - provide a new puzzle for Morse to solve. Assisted by DS Lewis, Morse interviews everyone at Hanbury House and it is in the course of searching the grounds that he finds Sir Julius' body, appropriately enough, in the family mausoleum. The pathologist notes that he was the victim of a frenzied attack but the lack of blood at scene leaves the police to conclude that he murdered elsewhere. Sir Julius was a candidate to become the Master of an Oxford college and was known to have a have had a bitter rivalry with another candidate for the position. When Roger Meadows, a friend of the Hanbury's au pair, is killed in a car accident, Morse concludes that that he too was murdered. Jealousy, revenge and greed all play part in the deaths.
Morse and Lewis investigate the death of Laura Poindexter, an American tourist who is part of an exclusive tour group visiting Oxford. Missing from her personal effects is her jewelry, including the Wolvercote Tongue which she was going to donate to the Ashmolean Museum. The pathologist determines that she died of natural causes, but Morse feels there's something not quite right. The mystery deepens when Theodore Kemp, the Ashmolean's expert on the Wolvercote Tongue, is found dead and Mrs. Poindexter's husband goes missing.
Inspector Morse is a British detective drama television series based on a series of novels by Colin Dexter. It starred John Thaw as Chief Inspector Morse and Kevin Whately as Sergeant Lewis. The series comprises 33 two-hour episodes (100 minutes excluding commercials) — 20 more episodes than there are novels — produced between 1987 and 2000. Dexter made uncredited cameo appearances in all but three of the episodes.